IKEA innovates in managing and registering visits with the support of PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS

IKEA is a multinational company headquartered in the Netherlands dedicated to the production and retail sale of flat furniture, mattresses, household appliances and food.

In order to manage and control entrance gates and register visitors, vehicle entry/exit at the loading and unloading docks, PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS produced and developed interactive kiosks with Clusterwall software, which responds to IKEA needs.

  • QUARTZ for Access Control;
  • Software Clusterwall software for Access Control;
  • APOLO for loading and unloading docks;
  • QR-Code readers for turnstiles.

The access control kiosks can be customized and developed according to the needs of the project and the client, allowing for the integration of different components.

IKEA innovates in managing and registering visits with the support of PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS 1

To better manage incoming and outgoing shipments at the loading and unloading docks for IKEA, it relied on technological solutions such as multimedia kiosks and self-service kiosks that bring a number of advantages:

  • Increased productivity;
  • More quality of services;
  • Increased worker satisfaction;
  • Customizable Clusterwall software.

APOLO for loading and unloading docks

The APOLO kiosk stands out for its versatility and for its strong functional component and good ergonomic practices for the user.

Ensuring the management of vehicle entry and exit from the technical areas, it covers loading and unloading at the docks, as well as access control inside the IKEA facilities. Fully customizable, the Clusterwallinternal network is integrated into the APOLO kiosk, facilitating connection and collaboration between people, groups and organizations.

Drivers must enter their details, such as name, email, organization, phone number, Citizen Card number, the reason for the visit, the date of the visit, the location, area and department to be visited. They identify their appointment, either through the email sent by Clusterwall, a code or through their phone number.

After logging in or making the first entry or visit registration, the installed kiosks print a QR Code to access the IKEA facilities.

QUARTZ for Access Control

Nowadays, multimedia kiosks allow the control and management of accesses providing a quality, effective and, above all, faster service.

Modern and designed for indoor use, IKEA now has a 22”QUARTZ integrated with Clusterwalll, an interactive platform that allows the creation, management and optimization of tailored content, easily and intuitively.

These self-check in kiosks allow visitors to register their visit, in order to gain access to the IKEA facilities, via a QR-Code printed on the QUARTZ.

Know more about ClusterWalls’ Visitor & Access Management System

ClusterWalls' Visitor & Access Management System

PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS Clusterwall allows both drivers and IKEA co-workers to log in and out. The Clusterwall system allows you to streamline and manage the IKEA visitor registration process and provide a professional, secure and intuitive process. It also allows you to pre-register visits online.

Identificação da marcação de visita

Em caso de marcação previamente efectuada, deve identificar a mesma através do email, código ou telefone (fornecido aquando da marcação). Caso não tenha uma marcação prévia, é apresentado um formulário de visita.

Identificação da marcação de visita

Tipo de visita / visitante

De seguida, deve definir qual o tipo de visita que irá efectuar, com ou sem pré-registo (marcação prévia de visita), se é uma visita das autoridades ou entrega de correio;

Tipo de visita / visitante

Seleção de idioma (nos quiosques)

Para efectuar o registo nos quiosques deve ser feita a seleção do idioma preferencial (inglês ou português);

Seleção de idioma (nos quiosques)

Área ou departamento a visitar

Por último, serão apresentados os vários departamentos de modo a que seja seleccionado o departamento a visitar.

Área ou departamento a visitar

Local da visita (instalações IKEA)

Será seleccionada a área que se vai visitar, correspondente à loja Ikea selecionada anteriormente;

Local da visita (instalações IKEA)

Local da visita (instalações IKEA)

Deve ser seleccionada a loja Ikea a que corresponde a visita;

Local da visita (instalações IKEA)

Preenchimento de dados

De seguida, deve ser preenchido um formulário para inserir dados como os dados pessoais do motorista, empresa, dados do veículo e o tipo de transporte e mercadoria em questão, após o preenchimento destes dados, deve ser definida a data e hora da visita;

Preenchimento de dados

Selecção de idioma

Para registar uma marcação, o colaborador deve seleccionar o idioma mais propício para a marcação da sua visita, tendo disponíveis os idiomas português e inglês;

Selecção de idioma

QR-Code readers for turnstiles for access control

The QR-Code, provided after registration in QUARTZ, is used to gain access to the IKEA facilities.

PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS QR-Code readers have been installed integrated into the turnstiles so that visitors can enter and exit the premises freely.

So when IKEA employees pass through the turnstiles, QR-Codes printed by the multimedia kiosks are scanned.

To leave the premises, employees again scan the QR-Code at the turnstile reader, recording their exit.

IKEA innovates in managing and registering visits with the support of PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS 2

At PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS we are passionate about what we do and want to bring the best solutions to all our clients!

IKEA innovates in managing and registering visits with the support of PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS 3

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